Sunday, December 8, 2013

Chapter 20: Hawai'i

Santa Clarita and Hawai'i

Hawaii is the 43rd largest state in the United States of America, making it one of the smallest states out of the 50.  It is surrounded by the Pacific closest and is one of the furthest states from the rest.  Hawaii is the most recent of the 50 states of America (joined in 1959).  Hawaii is 10,931 square miles total (when all islands are added up).

Santa Clarita Population and Hawai'i Population

Hawaii is one of the smallest states in the US in terms of population with its total population (as of 2012) reaching 1.392 million.   The population of SCV is 204,951.  This means that Santa Clarita is about 1/5th of the total population of Hawai'i, WOW.

Santa Clarita Climate and Hawai'i Climate

Hawai'i is known for its tropical climate which makes it the ideal vacation spot for families across the United States.  In terms of tropic climates within the US, Hawai'i is the number one tourist location.  It is sometimes even referred to as the most beautiful islands in the world.  It's climate is a result of its location in the middle of the Ocean as well as its volcanic activity.  Hawai'i averages 24 inches of precipitation annually which is much greater than the desert climate of Santa Clarita.

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